Saturday, November 9, 2019

Where To?

Unit 2 of my Population class was called "From/To". In this unit, we focused on Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution, Natural Selection, and organisms' ability to adapt to their environments. For this Action Project, my class was supposed to find around twenty cats and dogs from either, the PAWS website or, the Pet Finder website. Then, we collected their weights and approximate heights and put them into a spreadsheet. After that, We were each randomly assigned cats or dogs and an environment that would be their new home. With our selected groups and environment, we were supposed to present our theories on how well our animals would and wouldn't survive, and how, through evolution, they would adapt to these environments. Below, you will see my project.  

In conclusion, I think this project was a very interesting way to simulate evolution and to imagine what our own organisms would be like in the future. I also think it was a helpful contribution to my knowledge of evolution and natural selection, and I enjoyed doing it. 

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