Sunday, January 26, 2020

Life skills vs. Book smarts

This is the first Action Project of the new year and for our humanities class, Forbidden Books. For unit 1 of this class, we focused on censorship in the media and schools, along with Socrates and the Socratic Method. First, we focused on the censorship of books and anything else that tends to be censored in our day and age. Then, we transitioned into learning about Socrates and his influence on philosophy and how, even back then, there were issues of censorship in society. We read Plato's full text of "The Apology" and really started to understand the Socratic Method and the threats it has posed throughout history. We talked about how the Socratic Method can be dangerous because of how it leads people to question their beliefs or those in a position of authority. For this project, we were put into groups of two to create our own Socratic Dialogue which focused on a controversial topic that we were both interested in. My partner for this project was CJH and we decided to focus on the importance of Lifeskills vs. Book smarts and which one actually prepares you to do well in life. This topic was interesting to me because of how traditional schools focus more on testing and memorization than having the ability to think for yourself. Our project demonstrates the Socratic Method in a conversation that explores the different opinions of Book Smarts and Life Skills. Over the course of two days, we created many bloopers but we were finally able to accomplish our final video which you will see below.
Life skills or Book smarts? from MEM on Vimeo.